Friday, December 18, 2015

16 Things Only Book Nerds Do During The Holidays

*brings five books for a two hour plane ride*

First off, you carefully and deliberately plan EVERY book you want to read over winter break.

First off, you carefully and deliberately plan EVERY book you want to read over winter break.

karelzzz / Via

And you experience the true struggle of jamming your suitcase full of these unread books.

And you experience the true struggle of jamming your suitcase full of these unread books.

And most likely end up going over the weight limit for baggage.

lennonsharpe / Via

The only reason you look forward to traveling is because EXTRA READING TIME.

The only reason you look forward to traveling is because EXTRA READING TIME.

jessyates / Via

And when your friends invite you out, you make the winning choice of staying in and reading.

And when your friends invite you out, you make the winning choice of staying in and reading.

Also because bar hopping isn't so fun when it's FUCKING FREEZING outside.

valerieconway / Via

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