The ballad of Beaufort and Edythe begins…and then Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson gets involved.
Twilight, the instantaneously classic story of a boy vampire who vigorously sniffs, then falls in love with a human woman, turns 10 years old this year.

Feel old yet?
Little Brown & Co. / Via
To celebrate the book’s anniversary, Stephenie Meyer re-released a special edition of Twilight, which comes with an even LONGER book entitled Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined.

It was the Beyoncé album drop of the book world. Boom.
Little Brown & Co. / Via
In Life and Death, all of the characters (with two unimportant exceptions) are gender-swapped. Bella is now Beaufort Swan. Edward is Edythe Cullen. Jacob is Julie, Carlisle is Carine...and the names don't get any less elaborate as the book goes on.

•The first store manager said she didn't have it and was very sorry.
•The second one laughed at me, accused me of pranking him, and hung up the phone.
•The third asked me to spell "d-e-a-t-h," then said nothing came up in the system.
•The fourth actually turned out to be Barnes and Noble corporate headquarters and I had a really confusing ten-minute conversation with their receptionist.
•The fifth store let me get as far as "I'm looking for the new Twi-" before wheezing "YES. WE HAVE IT" and put one on hold for me ASAP. She sounded like she was having a rough day.
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