The Harry Potter series comes with one of the most thoroughly written worlds out there. But we still have some questions.

Warner Bros.
1. At what age in their Hogwarts career do students go through sex ed?
2. Which professors are responsible for these lessons? Just the students' heads of house? Madam Pomfrey? Or do they bring in specialists?
3. What's the curriculum like? Do they still use the banana-and-condom presentation so well-known to so many teens?
4. Who's in charge of establishing said curriculum? Dumbledore? The school's board of governors? The Wizengamot? Or is it up to parents? Did Harry have to learn everything from Ron and Hermione because the Dursleys didn't know shit?
5. What's the wizarding stance on abstinence-only education? And how much do wizard parents yell about it?
6. How much of the curriculum is carried over from the days of the original Hogwarts founders? And what kind of MAJOR FUCKUPS has that caused?
7. Why did the girls get the speech about boys not being allowed up in their dormitories but not the boys? Can't horny girls or genderqueer students just sneak into the boys dormitories anytime they want?

Warner Bros.
8. What's menstruating in the wizarding world like?
9. Is there a spell to stop bleeding? Potions for cramps? A wizarding DivaCup-type thing that magics the blood away?
10. Is menstruation the most common use for Mrs. Scowers All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover? After all, the slogan is "No pain, no stain."
11. Do Muggle-borns sneak tampons into the castle?
12. Are there potions and spells to make the messy bits of puberty easier? Boner-cancelers? No-leak robes?
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Posted in BuzzFeed, IFTTT
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