Tuesday, July 21, 2015

This Diagon Alley Proposal Will Make Every "Harry Potter" Fan Melt

Relationship goals alert.

Kara Doughty lived out the dream of every Harry Potter fan ever when she was proposed to by her girlfriend, Lauren Cummerlander, in Diagon Alley, at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Kara Doughty lived out the dream of every Harry Potter fan ever when she was proposed to by her girlfriend, Lauren Cummerlander, in Diagon Alley, at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Facebook: KweenKerra

Kara told BuzzFeed that she carried the ring around in her wand box all day without even realising.

Kara told BuzzFeed that she carried the ring around in her wand box all day without even realising.

"When we left Ollivander's, I went to the restroom and she put it on the wand. I didn't know! I carried it around all day! We sat down to rest and I pulled it out to look at it and there it was! She didn't even have a chance to ask. I was just like YES and immediately took a picture...then put it on and took more pictures."

Facebook: KweenKerra

Kara says that her fiancée isn't really a Harry Potter fan, which makes it even sweeter.

Kara says that her fiancée isn't really a Harry Potter fan, which makes it even sweeter.

"She just knows how much I love it. We had offers to go on two trips and she insisted that we went to Universal. She had been planning it for MONTHS."

Facebook: KweenKerra

The couple are hoping to have a wedding with hints of magic, "like it takes place in the Harry Potter universe".

The couple are hoping to have a wedding with hints of magic, "like it takes place in the Harry Potter universe".


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