Monday, June 15, 2015

At last, we can talk to our friends again!

If you read the Song Of Ice And Fire books before watching the TV series, you've carried a terrible burden for five years. You've known things.

If you read the Song Of Ice And Fire books before watching the TV series, you've carried a terrible burden for five years. You've known things.

HBO / Via

Ever since the first season, you've been struggling to avoid giving away spoilers to your friends who only watched the show.

Ever since the first season, you've been struggling to avoid giving away spoilers to your friends who only watched the show.

Disney Channel / Via

Like when they said they thought Ned would probably win the Iron Throne in the end, because he was the most noble character. And you just nodded.

Like when they said they thought Ned would probably win the Iron Throne in the end, because he was the most noble character. And you just nodded.

BBC / Via

You said nothing before the Red Wedding. Nothing.

You said nothing before the Red Wedding. Nothing.

20th Century Fox Television / Via

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