Saturday, May 16, 2015

The "Game Of Thrones" Guys, Ranked By Thirst

“Everybody on that show can get it.” - Donna Meagle.

Game of Thrones has something for everyone - action, adventure, mystery, romance - and enough hotness to leave us more parched than Cersei Lannister without wine every damn episode. We - two Game of Thrones fans who appreciate a fine man - decided to rank the guys of the show, according to how thirsty they make us. We each gave the characters a thirst level, and the average of our scores provided this ranking. So settle in and grab your wine - you're going to need to stay hydrated on this ride.


Gregor Clegane

Gregor Clegane

Jenna: 0/10. That is not a mountain I ever want to scale. He's a monster.
Julia: -1000/10. HE DESTROYED MY PRECIOUS PRINCE. Good arm muscles will not save you!

Total: -1000/10

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Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger

Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger

Jenna: -10/10. Nope. Nope. Can't do it. Sorry, Littlefinger fans, I know you're out there, and there are many of you, but this guy makes my skin crawl. All credit to Aidan Gillen (who is not unattractive in real life); he makes Littlefinger so slimey and disturbing. This guy is much more terrifying than almost everyone else on the show and he better leave my precious Sansa alone.
Julia: 10/10. Jen. Na. Jenna. Not only does he have the kinkiest name ever, but he's possibly the cleverest character in this show, he's got a FANTASTIC mustache and a sex appeal you don't quite understand and don't really need to. Hello, Petyr BAElish.

Total: 0/10

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Robert Baratheon

Robert Baratheon

Jenna: 1/10. This jerk was enough to make you feel sorry for Cersei.
Julia: 1/10. He slaps women and I feel like his beard is filled with turkey bits. I never liked him.

Total: 1/10

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