Saturday, June 27, 2015

13 Amazing Book Plotlines That Never Made It To "Game Of Thrones"

There’s not enough airtime in the world for Tyrion’s shenanigans alone.

While enslaved, Tyrion becomes part of a private menagerie owned by a Yunkish millionaire.

While enslaved, Tyrion becomes part of a private menagerie owned by a Yunkish millionaire.

•His dwarfism makes him a prized addition to Yezzan zo Qaggaz's "collection."
•His companions in slavery include Sweets, the only intersex character in A Song Of Ice And Fire, and Penny – a young woman dwarf who performed an insulting clown set at King Joffrey's wedding.
•After his master dies of the plague, Tyrion escapes slavery and joins a sellsword company.

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The Sand Snakes conspire to crown Princess Myrcella as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms based on a loophole in Westerosi law.

The Sand Snakes conspire to crown Princess Myrcella as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms based on a loophole in Westerosi law.

•When Dorne was absorbed into the seven kingdoms, it was under the condition that "Dornish law will always rule in Dorne."
•The Dornish practice absolute primogeniture, meaning that the order of succession is determined solely by birth order, not gender. The rest of the seven kingdoms places female offspring behind all male offspring, regardless of age.
•Because of these two rules, the Sand Snakes argue that Myrcella, being older than Tommen, is the legal and rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
•They plan to spirit the "Queen" away from Sunspear but are caught. Princess Myrcella loses an ear in the process.

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It's not explicitly stated in the show, but true men of the North cannot become knights.

It's not explicitly stated in the show, but true men of the North cannot become knights.

•Knighthood in the Seven Kingdoms is conferred by a holy anointing and is connected to the Faith of the Seven.
•Men who follow the religion of the First Men, or Weirwood worship, are excluded from the order, usually by choice.
•There are a few exceptions in the books, including Northern Knight Jorah Mormont, but in the books it's rare to find a Northern-born Knight at Winterfell or anywhere else.

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