Friday, November 14, 2014

Which "Hunger Games" Character Is Your Soulmate?

Truth or Odair?

Lions Gate / ThinkStock

So many fields. So many tears.

BuzzFeed / Warner Bros.

For the past couple of months, I've been watching the Harry Potter films for the first time. This week I watched Deathly Hallows Part 1, and tweeted my thoughts.

For the past couple of months, I've been watching the Harry Potter films for the first time. This week I watched Deathly Hallows Part 1 , and tweeted my thoughts.

If this is your first time with my first time, start here. We'll wait.

Warner Bros.

The film opens with the Minister for Magic making a speech.

The film opens with the Minister for Magic making a speech.

Oh hai, Bill Nighy!

Warner Bros.

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The New "Fifty Shades Of Grey" Trailer Is All Kinds Of Steamy

“Mr. Grey will see you now” … in bed.

The Dispute Between Amazon And Hachette Is Finally Over

A cease-fire for book buyers.

Jarry Lee / BuzzFeed / Thinkstock

While Amazon and Hachette successfully kept the exact terms of the dispute to themselves, Amazon was widely seen as wanting a bigger share of e-book revenue. Since Amazon also wanted lower e-book prices, that was seen by Hachette supporters as a move that threatened to undermine the publisher's existence. When Amazon raised the stakes by discouraging sales of Hachette books, that incited the ire of those authors and then other members of the literary community.


Warner Bros.

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Margaret Atwood Responds To Some Common Tweets About Canadians

Margaret Atwood (poet, novelist, critic, environmentalist, overall badass wordsmith, and Ottawa native) answers some of the most frequently tweeted questions about Canadians. Here are some perfect responses to keep handy the next time your coughAmericancough friends ask .

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

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The First "Insurgent" Trailer Brings Tris' Mom Back From The Dead

In the first look at the Divergent sequel, Tris (Shailene Woodley) is desperately trying to save her mom, Natalie (Ashley Judd), again.

When Divergent ended, Tris just narrowly prevented Erudite from overthrowing Abnegation and controlling all the factions, killing "divergents" in the process. In the first Insurgent trailer, Tris returns home to find things looking bleak.

When Divergent ended, Tris just narrowly prevented Erudite from overthrowing Abnegation and controlling all the factions, killing "divergents" in the process. In the first Insurgent trailer, Tris returns home to find things looking bleak.


But among the rubble, Tris spots her mother, Natalie, who was shot and killed in the crossfire.

But among the rubble, Tris spots her mother, Natalie, who was shot and killed in the crossfire.



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What's Your Trick For Beating Writer's Block?

I hear handstands get the blood flowing to your brain.

Writing, man.

Writing, man.

FilmDistrict / Via

The highs -- hitting your groove, pumpin' out pages, nailing that one moment in the dialogue -- are so high.

The highs -- hitting your groove, pumpin' out pages, nailing that one moment in the dialogue -- are so high.


But the lows -- when you're stuck at your desk, with no idea where to go next -- can be soo low.

But the lows -- when you're stuck at your desk, with no idea where to go next -- can be soo low.

Columbia Pictures / Via

Writer's Block: some get it every day, others swear it doesn't exist.

Writer's Block: some get it every day, others swear it doesn't exist.

No such thing as writer's block? I'll have what they're having.

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19 Unbelievably Laughable Book Fails

Obviously Twilight is a true story.

This "teen non-fiction" section, which included such crucial historical tales as Twilight and Twilight 2.

And this "teen fiction" section, which actually seems pretty accurate.

Every Nicholas Sparks cover, a study in face-grabbing.

Every Nicholas Sparks cover, a study in face-grabbing.

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