Sunday, February 21, 2016

15 Things That Happen When You Date A Hufflepuff

Common room right next to the kitchens = amazing drunk food.

They're so pleasant and patient that you're often late.

They're so pleasant and patient that you're often late.

"I'm really glad you stayed to chat to the ticketmaster at the station, but we have now missed our train."

Warner Bros / Via

Sometimes, their loyalty can be a bit much.

Sometimes, their loyalty can be a bit much.

"Yes I know we promised we'd go to Sally's party but I just want to stay in."
"No I don't think it would be disloyal to cancel."

Warner Bros

But then it's really attractive when they defend what they believe in.

But then it's really attractive when they defend what they believe in.

Whether that's the rights of bees, or your side order of spinach with your pancakes.

CBS / Via

The fridge is full of their herbology "creations".

The fridge is full of their herbology "creations".

Just don't ask them to make you a green juice.

Warner Bros / Via

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