Thursday, February 18, 2016

13 Things That Will Definitely Maybe Happen In "Game Of Thrones" Season 6

For the night is dark and full of spoilers.

Jon Snow WILL come back from the dead.

Jon Snow WILL come back from the dead.

There's no point beating around the weirwood tree. We can talk all we want about who will or won't ride dragons, or whether Gendry will ever get off his fucking boat, but the first thing anyone wants to know about Season 6 is whether or not our curly-haired Lord Commander is coming back from his icy grave.

In short, of course he is. I mean, the fact that he's been photographed on set was a bit of a giveaway, but even before that there can't have been many who genuinely thought he was gone for good.

This isn't like when we lost Ned or Robb. Jon's family were (and are) great characters in their own right, but looking back it's now pretty clear that every shitty thing that's happened to a member of the Stark family has been to give Jon a reason to do whatever he's going to do over the final few seasons.

As has been said many times, it's a song of ice and fire. Other characters may come and go, but Jon and Dany aren't going anywhere just yet. And, yeah. There are photos of him on set, so...

Likelihood: 10/10


R + L = J will finally be confirmed.

R + L = J will finally be confirmed.

Now we've established that everyone's favourite bastard is coming back, we can get back to banging on about Jon Snow's parentage. For the uninitiated, R + L = J is the widely accepted theory that rather than being Ned's bastard, Jon Snow is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark. You can read about it in full here.

Before Season 5 got a bit stabby, there were strong signs that we were heading towards a confirmation of Thrones' best-known theory. From Littlefinger's knowing look to Sansa in the crypts of Winterfell to this less-than-coincidental conversation crasher at Castle Black, it's pretty clear where we're headed:


Since the last season ended, however, we've had confirmation that a new filming location in Spain will be used as the Tower of Joy – Jon Snow's birthplace, assuming R + L = J is true. And it is. This almost certainly means we'll see flashbacks to his birth (more on that later), and one of the most talked-about fan theories in history will be a theory no longer.

But it's what happens next that's the really exciting part. How will Jon take the news? How will his enemies react? Will he ride around on a dragon looking like a total baller? We have no idea. But by the end of Season 6 we'll be a step closer to finding out.

Likelihood: 9/10

HBO / Via

Bran and Rickon will reappear (having both gone through puberty).

Bran and Rickon will reappear (having both gone through puberty).

Next up, two people who are definitely Ned's kids – Bran and Rickon. The last time we saw Bran he was on the receiving end of a sick burn from a very old man in a tree. ("You're going to help me walk again?" "You will never walk again.")

Though he didn't appear at all in Season 5, it's no secret that he's back in Season 6, and he's going to be a big player. Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who plays Bran, has suggested to Entertainment Weekly that his character will return having learnt a variety of very useful skills from Bloodraven (the aforementioned very old man in a tree), in a similar manner to how Luke Skywalker learns the ways of the Force from Yoda, with almost all of it taking place off camera.

The reason this could be so important for the show (and books) is that one of these skills is Greensight, the ability to perceive future, past, or distant events in dreams. Events such as Jon Snow's birth at the Tower of Joy, for example.


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