Tuesday, November 3, 2015

21 Invaluable Writing Tips From Renowned British Writers

“Finish everything you start.”

Matthew Kolaski / Via unsplash.com

1. Write from the heart as well as the head. Write about what makes you angry, what moves you to tears, the things about which you feel passionately. If you feel it when you write, others will feel it when they read.
—Malorie Blackman

2. Open your mind to new experiences, particularly to the study of other ­people. Nothing that happens to a writer – however happy, however tragic – is ever wasted.
—PD James

3. Think only about the work, about writing a book as good as you can make it. It helps to have the sensation that you are writing a book that doesn't exist and that you, as a reader, would like to exist.
—Adam Foulds

Dominik Schröder / Via unsplash.com

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