Thursday, October 22, 2015

The 10 Types Of Coworkers Absolutely Everyone Has Had

There’s an Oversharer in every office.

Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed

Description: The Swamped Thing is always too preoccupied with work to chat or help you with a project. Swamped Things answer your e-mails only after an immense amount of prompting. And as soon as you are locked into a project, they want to drain minutes out of your day with some very pressing issue that cannot wait. Everything the Swamped Thing is doing is the most important thing. Everyone else's work, in his or her eyes, is essentially mini-golf or paddleboating.

Typical Quote: "Auto-Reply: It may be a while before I get to your e-mail, but that doesn't mean it's not important to me."

Description: Cool Boss wants you to know that he or she is just like you. Cool Boss doesn't like wearing stuffy suits. Cool Boss isn't hung up on "titles" or "company policy." Except Cool Boss gets paid way more than you and can break rules with impunity while you tiptoe around making sure that Cool Boss's Hard-ass Boss isn't there to bust you.

Typical Quote: "Have you read Outliers? I think you'd really dig that shizz."

Description: Yes, we ask each other how we're doing in the office. None of us are monsters. Except the Oversharer, who uses a pleasantry as an excuse to launch into an in-depth monologue full of details that most of us wouldn't even admit to our therapists. If there are any Oversharers reading this right now, just know three things: 1) No one wants to see more than one picture of your vacation. 2) The details about your love life are either making us jealous or bumming us out. 3) Yes, you should get that rash checked out, and you didn't need to describe it to us first.

Typical Quote: "Have a good weekend! I'll be spending mine alone again!"

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