Wednesday, October 21, 2015

17 Photos That Are Way Too Real For Book Nerds

I know that’s an entire stack of books I haven’t read but I NEED MORE.

When your favorite character dies and your heart feels like it was violently crushed by a stack of dictionaries.

When your favorite character dies and your heart feels like it was violently crushed by a stack of dictionaries.

Fatchoi / Getty Images

When bae keeps asking you to ~Netflix and chill~ but you're 112 pages deep in an epic plot twist.

When bae keeps asking you to ~Netflix and chill~ but you're 112 pages deep in an epic plot twist.

Mike Watson Images / Getty Images

When you're halfway through a series and realize that you've been pronouncing a main character's name wrong.

When you're halfway through a series and realize that you've been pronouncing a main character's name wrong.

Mocker_bat / Getty Images

When you're trying to read but get sidetracked thinking about ordering a pizza.

When you're trying to read but get sidetracked thinking about ordering a pizza.

Everste / Getty Images

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