Saturday, July 4, 2015

“Did you get my text reminding you that you haven’t text me back?”

This is Jessie Cave, who you may well recognise as Lavender Brown from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

As well as acting in Call the Midwife and Trollied, and performing stand-up comedy, Cave draws cartoons, some of which are published in her new book, Lovesick.

As well as acting in Call the Midwife and Trollied, and performing stand-up comedy, Cave draws cartoons, some of which are published in her new book, Lovesick.

Cave began to see herself as "more of a maker than an actor," after she felt rejected by Hollywood post-Potter. "I was treated like I shouldn't be there, that I should go straight back… It was the most traumatic experience of my life," she told The Independent.

Ebury press

The cartoons explore the most maddening aspects of getting together and breaking up.

Based on her own experiences with dating, Cave told The Independent that "I felt like this was a way of getting out those feelings of rejection and unrequited love."

Based on her own experiences with dating, Cave told The Independent that "I felt like this was a way of getting out those feelings of rejection and unrequited love."

Cave set up website, Pin Dippy, to share her drawings and other work, as well as challenging herself to draw a "doodle a day" on Twitter, from which her Love Sick series grew.

Jessie Cave / Via Twitter: @pindippycave

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