Tuesday, June 16, 2015

“What the duck, Juliet! Ugh, autocorrect!”

Do you like Shakespeare but feel his texts are lacking a certain something in their relevance to the modern world?

Do you like Shakespeare but feel his texts are lacking a certain something in their relevance to the modern world?

stocksnapper / Thinkstock

If so, why not try this: a series of the Bard's greatest works re-told using... emoji!

If so, why not try this: a series of the Bard's greatest works re-told using... emoji!

Penguin Random House / Via amazon.co.uk

In fact, the OMG Shakespeare series, published by Penguin Random House US, re-tells four iconic plays using not just emoji but SMS and email, as well as various other 2015-style communication methods.

The books are trying to explain the plot to younger readers and act as handy primers on what's going on throughout the plays.

Inevitably, the Daily Mail found an academic who described the books as "absolutely disastrous".

But are they any good? We read YOLO Juliet to find out.

But are they any good? We read YOLO Juliet to find out.

Penguin Random House / Via amazon.co.uk

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