Saturday, June 20, 2015

51 Important Questions I Have For Christian Grey's Penis, Specifically

All raised in light of the publication of Grey, E.L. James’ newest novel.

BuzzFeed/ Universal Pictures / Via

2. How does that work?
3. Like is it a one-wiggle-for-yes, two-for-no sort of thing? Because Christian seems to understand you perfectly regardless of the situation.
4. Why does Christian think you are an entirely disparate being from himself?
5. Are you legally emancipated from the rest of his body?
6. Does the government recognize you as a separate human entity?
7. Do you have a name?
8. You get hard a lot, huh?
9. Does that ever become exhausting for you?
10. Do you need a vacation?
11. Where would you go?

Scott Bryan/ BuzzFeed

12. So I heard you like music.
13. What kind of music do you like best?
14. Do you like Passion Pit?
15. Does that sound like something you would be into? What with you being a dick and them having a name that sounds like somewhere a literal dick wouldn't mind hanging out in.
16. How do you feel about Ginuwine's musical dick classic, "Pony?"
17. Are you and Christian Grey's prostate cool or nah?
18. Can I borrow $10,000?
19. When is the last time you went to church?
20. How much of your relationship with Christian Grey is him going "CHRISTIAN YES" and you going "CHRISTIAN NO?"
21. Are you a nice person?

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