Saturday, May 9, 2015

52 Krazy Things I Learned When I Read Kim K's Selfie Book

Two days, 445 pages, and countless selfies later, I survived Selfish.

I have something to admit: I'm a bit of a closeted Kim Kardashian fan. I love her sense of style, the fact that she's risen to the top of the celebrity food chain, and her incredible hustle. You can't knock Kim's hustle!

I have something to admit: I'm a bit of a closeted Kim Kardashian fan. I love her sense of style, the fact that she's risen to the top of the celebrity food chain, and her incredible hustle. You can't knock Kim's hustle!


Most of all, I'm here for her unapologetic self-promotion on her Instagram, aka her series of #iconic selfies. It should come as NO surprise that she has a book — appropriately titled Selfish — devoted to her selfies. I knew I had to give it a read.

1. Kim took her first selfie in 1984. It was on a disposable camera, and her sister Khloé was also in the picture. #Memz

2. Kim claims she "never really travelled" until she met Paris Hilton. Apparently, the blonde reality star showed Kim "a whole new world." Classic Paris!

3. According to Kim, your car is the best place for a selfie "before you step out into the madness." Unlike Kim, however, most of us are not faced with an onslaught of paparazzi when we exit our motor vehicle; I would take this with a grain of salt.

4. Apparently, Kim has a near-photographic memory. She claims she can look at any picture of herself and remember not only where the photo is from, but who she was with AND who did her hair and makeup. Impressive!

5. Kim uses the word "glam" as a noun, verb, and adjective. I did not know you could do this before reading Selfish.

6. Kim really likes getting her hair and makeup done, and calls it "therapeutic."

7. Kim has been to Indianapolis. IDK, I just find this kind of surprising! Now I want to know what other random places she's been. Has she been to Des Moines? What about Omaha? Has she been to Sioux City???

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