Friday, February 6, 2015

15 Tips For Writing An Amazing Love Letter

To your partner, to your kid, to Neflix.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Don't worry that love letters are a thing of the past.

Don't worry that love letters are a thing of the past.

"People love to know how loved they are," Samara O'Shea, author of For the Love of Letters: A 21-st Century Guide to the Art of Letter Writing , tells BuzzFeed Life. And that desire is timeless. O'Shea says a love letter is "what will last, what will be remembered."

"Just another little note to tell you how much I love you. You are the best wife any man ever had." USMC Archives / Via

Consider writing a love letter to someone who is not a romantic partner.

Consider writing a love letter to someone who is not a romantic partner.

Some of the most beautiful letters are written from one friend to another, or from a parent to a child.

A signed letter from Albert Einstein to his stepdaughter Margot, 1931. Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Via Getty Images

Don't worry too much about making it sound like A Love Letter.

Don't worry too much about making it sound like A Love Letter.

"People shouldn't try too hard to make it sound like what they think a love letter should be," Bonnie Downing, an author and professional love letter writer, tells BuzzFeed Life. O'Shea suggests you avoid mimicking anyone else's voice. "You can't really go wrong; don't put too much pressure on yourself to write like 'letters of old,'" she says.

Love letter from Joe DiMaggio to Marilyn Monroe. Mike Coppola / Via Getty Images

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